Providing Lesotho's Children with Keys to the World

This is the story of our efforts to end the vicious cycle of poverty, disease, inadequate education, and early death
in a remote rural community in Lesotho, Africa, by providing quality education and life skills
to the young children there. Join us on our journey ...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Two new members join Laptops to Lesotho Board

With a growing board to help lead Laptops to Lesotho into the future, we welcome Vicki Panhuise and Kathy Plath to the board. 

Vicki, who currently resides in the Phoenix, AZ area, is owner and President of VePoint Consulting Group LLC.  She has substantial aerospace general management experience.  Her expertise includes managing global organization to support customers worldwide.  We welcome her as Treasurer of Laptops to Lesotho.

Kathy is a media specialist in an elementary school in Pueblo, CO.  She loves teaching technology classes to her students. She was fortunate to have spent two years in Lesotho, and welcomes this opportunity to help further the education of young people in Lesotho through her work with Laptops to Lesotho.


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