Lumela 'M'e Janissa,
I hope all is well there. I have lots of good news for you on this
end. Firstly, the name that the teachers chose was Our Treasure
Highland Computer Project. I have attached the logo. I think this
could always be shortened to Highland Computer Project if we want to
later. The girl was going a bit slowly on making follow up drafts for
the logo so I just sent this one. There should be a second Basotho hat
in the top right corner and the bottom phrase should read Together for
a Better Lesotho and curve around the logo. The logo is meant to be a
Basotho shield and any color improvements you can make will be
The winners of the contest are:
Makhotso Makanke 14 years old female-standard 6 The main winner
Manatala Thopa 14 years old female standard six- second winner
Also we think we have succeeded in finding a Mosotho college student,
a female, who is good in computers and computer networks (but not
solar). Also, Aaron the PCV you emailed has been brought fully on
board. I held a meeting with him and all of the teachers to let him
take over my role in the project and current computer school. He was
very happy to do so, and once I leave will be resuming computer
classes and other activities with the Primary School. I think you can
begin to include him in our communications.
It was dissapointing to hear that OLPC may be cancelling their Africa
program, however, your email was very uplifting to everyone here. They
were all thrilled to know that the work and project will continue even
if we don't get the grant and that you 'won't let the kids down.'
Thank you for that.
I had planned on making a video that we could use for fundraising etc.
As my time is almost finished I think it would just be easier if I
sent it to you once I was back in the States if that is ok.
Sala Hantle,